
Kai Kohlmann, Dipl.-Ing.
Kai Kohlmann, Dipl.-Ing.
Admitted as representative before the following institutions:

  • German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA)
  • European Patent Office (EPA)
  • Office of the European Union for Intellectual Property (EUIPO)
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  • Federal Patent Court (BPatG)
  • Federal Court of Justice (BGH)
Britta Kohlmann
Britta Kohlmann
Accounting / Bookkeeping and Personnel
Nicole Motter
Nicole Motter
Paralegal Accounting, renewal of intellectual property rights, secretarial services, trademark and patent monitoring
Jacqueline Schäfer
Jacqueline Schäfer
European secretary, foreign language correspondent for English and Spanish
Secretarial services, processing of intellectual property rights
Silke Schorn
Silke Schorn
Wholesale and foreign trade clerk, foreign language correspondent for English and French
Secretarial services, processing of intellectual property rights